Why You Need a Fresh Perspective: 5 Reasons You Need a Sales Audit

How effective is your sales team? Most companies like to think they run a tight ship when it comes to their sales force and their process, but oftentimes the reality is quite different. And there’s a powerful way to assess your sales process: a Sales Audit.

A Sales Audit -- much like a tax audit -- might seem intimidating and costly, especially when you’ve never done one before. However, to ensure quality, optimal performance, and sales success, there’s nothing more important than taking stock of the strengths and weaknesses in your sales process with the help of an outside, objective perspective. A sales audit is the key to refining your process in order to meet business goals and exceed standards.

With the help of Fador Global Consulting Group, we can take an unbiased look over your sales process and provide your business with perspective and guidance going forward. In fact, many sales teams find they work smarter and more effectively following a sales audit.

What is a Sales Audit?


A Sales Audit is a powerful way to evaluate your team’s work and discover specific, tangible ways to improve your sales processes. The audit will dig through all your company’s sales processes and investigate the challenges you face in your own market. 

When conducting an audit, it’s essential to go over every process and element that makes up your sales cycle -- leaving no stone unturned. So why do you need a business sales audit? Let’s dive in.

5 reasons you need a Sales Audit

1. Perspective on independent, objective analysis 

Operating a sales team in 2021 is far different from operating a sales team back in 2010, or even 2000. If you haven’t updated your sales practices in recent years, you’re most certainly missing out on sales and valuable customer relationships. Sales processes have dramatically changed in recent years, and your business can only stand to gain by updating and refining your sales practices. 

It can be challenging for businesses to adopt new practices on their own, or understand where they need to change. That’s where we come in. An independent, objective analysis of your processes, from the ground up, can help give you a new perspective. There’s nothing like fresh eyes to show you all the possibilities and opportunities within your team.

2. Understanding your customers

How well do you truly understand your customers? Businesses operating without regular sales audits may not fully understand their own customer base, especially since that base is constantly changing. Your customers today are not the same as your customers even one or two years ago. With a comprehensive Sales Audit, you can better uncover and understand your customer base, allowing you to make better sales decisions. 

3. Uncover missed opportunities 

Why did a lead not churn? Why did a customer stop halfway through the process? Without keeping a careful eye on analytics and customer behaviors, you may miss the opportunity to fully understand why customers might like - or dislike - your product or service. If you can’t learn from your mistakes, how can you move forward? A sales audit will help uncover missed opportunities and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

4. Regular maintenance and check-ups for your approach

Many businesses will make the mistake of performing an external sales audit once or twice a decade -- this simply isn’t often enough! In order to really, truly understand how your sales strategy is working and to maximize your sales potential, you should be performing about one audit per quarter.

5. Figure out what can be improved 

When you focus on meeting sales goals and targets, it can be a challenge to think far ahead into the future. Once someone has taken the time to sit down and take a deep dive through all your data, it’ll be much easier to plan for your business’ future. That includes setting more realistic goals, working to fix any major issues, and refining your process. 

How we can help

At Fador Global, we work with small- to medium-sized companies to help them revamp their sales organizations and provide the “rocket fuel” to help get them moving past their competition. Our team touts a firm grasp on the issues companies and managers face when wrestling with growth and expansion strategies.

The FGCG mission remains the same, whether you’re the leader or founder of a start-up, mid-sized company, or global firm: we offer actionable guidance for monetizing data, implementing new product launches, and capitalizing on existing ones.

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