Buying Habits Have Changed!

Buying Habits Have Changed!

Last week I introduced one of our key services, the Sales Audit. I suggested that a good sales process doesn’t always equal continued sales success. If the past 2 years have taught CEO’s, investors & HoS’s anything, it is that buyers have changed! They have changed how they engage with vendors & in how they make buying decisions. If you haven’t had an independent look at your sales process & your team, it’s time for an “X-Ray”. Confirm what’s working & more importantly, identify what isn’t with the help of a Sales Audit. 

The Forbes article below shared by Ed Calnan, my friend & the CRO from Seismic provides 14 insightful selling tips. But which best fit your sales team’s needs? To help how to adjust your sales approach, or identify where changes should be made, let Fador Global do a Sales Audit. You'll receive a report within a few weeks that lets you know how your team is performing. Interested to learn more? We'll send a summary that describes the methodology, process, and the deliverable. Request it from Here to help your company grow.

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